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State and DEA Requirements

Generally, most state's requirements mirror the DEA requirements. But, a few impose additional requirements which will be discussed further below. Most government agencies and service branches also mirror the DEA requirements, as well. But some may specifically require the use of a GSA Approved Container and disallow the UL option.

GSA Approved Class 5 Test Specifications
Must be Resistant To:

1. 30 man minutes against surreptitious entry
2. 10 man minutes against forced entry*
3. 20 man hours against lock manipulation
4. 20 man hours against radiological attack

* - UL Listed Safes are only tested for resistance against forced entry.
The minimum security rating for all UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safes exceeds the 10 Man Against Forced Entry rating (#2, above) for GSA Approved Containers. The listed 1 - 4 bullet points, above are taken directly from the specifications for test requirements of GSA Approved Class 5 Containers. So, those are redundant and do not really need to be specified if the container is a "GSA Approved Class 5 container". All GSA Approved Class 5 container’s meet these four requirements. This is pointed out here, because sometimes these requirements are incorrectly construed as requiring a UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safe to meet those four bullet points. This is an incorrect interpretation, as no UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safe has ever been tested to be resistant to radiological attack or surreptitious entry. The “lock manipulation” requirement is met by the UL Listed Group 1R lock specification and testing. Those three ratings are unique to GSA Containers which, in the case of Class 5 are multi-use containers approved for the storage of classified documents and materials which require additional security to prevent covert or surreptitious access to this information.

The Four options for GSA class 5 Containers

There are four options in the GSA Approved Class 5 Containers which may be used. Those are the only options. It is not possible to custom manufacture GSA Approved Containers. They are the GSA Approved Class 5 Two Drawer, Four Drawer, available in single and multi-lock configurations, General Purpose (Size II and IV) and the Map and Plan Containers. The Two Drawer and General Purpose Size IV Containers do not meet the minimum weight requirement and must be used with an external bolt down kit, sold separately. It is not permitted to drill into or weld to a GSA Approved Container and doing so permanently invalidates the container's certification. The GSA Approved Class 5 Weapons Containers or Information Processing Systems (IPS) Blue Label Containers cannot be used for this narcotics storage. More details on configurations of GSA Approved Class 5 Containers can be found under the Class 5 tab above.

UL Listed Safes and Class 5 Rating

The UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safes are manufactured with a rating of 15 Man Minutes Against Forced Entry, and higher. So, they all exceed the Class 5 rating of 10 man minutes, and DEA requirements. The addition of the UL Listed Group 1-R lock, as required, increases the security of the lock regarding manipulation resistance and meets the Class 5 requirement in this area. These safes most commonly bear a rating of TL15 and TL30, or 15 and 30 Man Minutes Against Forced Entry, respectively. The DEA requires the minimum, TL15, as do most other states, agencies and service branches which allow the UL option. However, it is important to note that some states additionally require either Class 5 or TL30, New York State is one example. This is really overkill, as the TL30 is 300% more secure than the Class 5. These safes are also available in higher ratings, like TL60 or TL30X6. These all exceed all state and DEA requirements and can be used universally. More information on these points can be found under the UL Listed TL tab above.

DEA Requirements

DEA Security Requirements for the Non-Practitioner excerpted from the DEA Office of Diversion Control - Security Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970:

Security Requirements for Non-Practitioner

Non-practitioners include manufacturers, packagers, labelers, distributors, importers, exporters, narcotic treatment programs, and compounders for narcotic treatment programs.

Minimum Standards: Handlers of CI & II Controlled Substances

Small quantities of CI & II raw materials, bulk materials awaiting further processing, and finishing products must be stored in an Underwriters Lab (UL) listed burglary-resistant safe with a Group 1-R lock, or a General Services Administration (GSA) Class V rated security container, or the equivalent, which affords the following security protection:

1. 30 man minutes against surreptitious entry
2. 10 man minutes against forced entry
3. 20 man hours against lock manipulation
4. 20 man hours against radiological attack

This safe or security container must be bolted, strapped, or otherwise securely fastened to the floor or wall in such a way that it cannot be readily removed if it weighs less than 750 pounds. Depending upon the quantities and types of controlled substances stored, this safe or security container must be equipped with an alarm system which upon attempted unauthorized entry transmits a signal directly to a central protection company, a local or state police agency which has a legal obligation to respond, a 24-hour proprietary central station operated by the registrant, or such other protection as DEA may approve.


State and DEA Requirements

Generally, most state's requirements mirror the DEA requirements. But, a few impose additional requirements which will be discussed further below. Most government agencies and service branches also mirror the DEA requirements, as well. But some may specifically require the use of a GSA Approved Container and disallow the UL option.

DEA Requirements

Security Requirements for Non-Practitioner

"Non-practitioners include manufacturers, packagers, labelers, distributors, importers, exporters, narcotic treatment programs, and compounders for narcotic treatment programs. "*

* - excerpted from: The DEA Office of Diversion Control website

Minimum Standards: Handlers of CI & II Controlled Substances

Small quantities of CI & II raw materials, bulk materials awaiting further processing, and finishing products must be stored in an Underwriters Lab (UL) listed burglary-resistant safe with a Group 1-R lock, or a General Services Administration (GSA) Class V rated security container, or the equivalent, which affords the following security protection:

1. 30 man minutes against surreptitious entry
2. 10 man minutes against forced entry
3. 20 man hours against lock manipulation
4. 20 man hours against radiological attack

This safe or security container must be bolted, strapped, or otherwise securely fastened to the floor or wall in such a way that it cannot be readily removed if it weighs less than 750 pounds. Depending upon the quantities and types of controlled substances stored, this safe or security container must be equipped with an alarm system which upon attempted unauthorized entry transmits a signal directly to a central protection company, a local or state police agency which has a legal obligation to respond, a 24-hour proprietary central station operated by the registrant, or such other protection as DEA may approve. " *

* - excerpted from: Security Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 website

GSA Approved Class 5 Test Specifications

GSA approved Class 5 General purpose size IV container
Custom Compartments
Must be Resistant To:

1. 30 man minutes against surreptitious entry
2. 10 man minutes against forced entry*
3. 20 man hours against lock manipulation
4. 20 man hours against radiological attack

* - UL Listed Safes are only tested for resistance against forced entry.
The minimum security rating for all UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safes exceeds the 10 Man Against Forced Entry rating (#2, above) for GSA Approved Containers. The listed 1 - 4 bullet points, above are taken directly from the specifications for test requirements of GSA Approved Class 5 Containers. So, those are redundant and do not really need to be specified if the container is a "GSA Approved Class 5 container". All GSA Approved Class 5 container’s meet these four requirements. This is pointed out here, because sometimes these requirements are incorrectly construed as requiring a UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safe to meet those four bullet points. This is an incorrect interpretation, as no UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safe has ever been tested to be resistant to radiological attack or surreptitious entry. The “lock manipulation” requirement is met by the UL Listed Group 1R lock specification and testing. Those three ratings are unique to GSA Containers which, in the case of Class 5 are multi-use containers approved for the storage of classified documents and materials which require additional security to prevent covert or surreptitious access to this information.

GSA Approved Class 5 Containers

GSA Approved Class 5 Four Drawer
CL 5 Four Drawer

There are four options in the GSA Approved Class 5 Containers which may be used. Those are the only options. It is not possible to custom manufacture GSA Approved Containers. They are the GSA Approved Class 5 Two Drawer, Four Drawer, available in single and multi-lock configurations, General Purpose (Size II and IV) and the Map and Plan Containers. The Two Drawer and General Purpose Size IV Containers do not meet the minimum weight requirement and must be used with an external bolt down kit, sold separately. It is not permitted to drill into or weld to a GSA Approved Container and doing so permanently invalidates the container's certification. The GSA Approved Class 5 Weapons Containers or Information Processing Systems (IPS) Blue Label Containers cannot be used for this narcotics storage. More details on configurations of GSA Approved Class 5 Containers can be found under the Class 5 tab above.

UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safes

The UL Listed Burglary Resistant Safes are manufactured with a rating of 15 Man Minutes Against Forced Entry, and higher. So, they all exceed the Class 5 rating of 10 man minutes, and DEA requirements. The addition of the UL Listed Group 1-R lock, as required, increases the security of the lock regarding manipulation resistance and meets the Class 5 requirement in this area. These safes most commonly bear a rating of TL15 and TL30, or 15 and 30 Man Minutes Against Forced Entry, respectively. The DEA requires the minimum, TL15, as do most other states, agencies and service branches which allow the UL option. However, it is important to note that some states additionally require either Class 5 or TL30, New York State is one example. This is really overkill, as the TL30 is 300% more secure than the Class 5. These safes are also available in higher ratings, like TL60 or TL30X6. These all exceed all state and DEA requirements and can be used universally. More information on these points can be found under the UL Listed TL tab above.

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